The 10 cutest bookshops in Australia

Kassia Byrnes is the Native Content Editor for Australian Traveller and International Traveller. She's come a long way since writing in her diary about family trips to Grandma's. After graduating a BA of Communication from University of Technology Sydney, she has been writing about her travels (and more) professionally for over 10 years for titles like AWOL,, Pedestrian.TV, Body + Soul and Punkee. She's addicted to travel but has a terrible sense of direction, so you can usually find her getting lost somewhere new around the world. Luckily, she loves to explore and have new adventures – whether that’s exploring the backstreets, bungee jumping off a bridge or hiking for days. You can follow her adventures on Instagram @probably_kassia.

Read more by Kassia Byrnes


Comments (6)
  • Sophie says:

    Avid Bookshop, West End, is the centre of Brisbane’s literary heart. Can always get the book you want. Great author events too.

  • Ellery says:

    You missed Cracked and Spineless in Tas.

  • Janet says:

    Love a good bookshop! Thank you for this list to add to my travel bucketlist, but can I add another? The Maleny Bookshop in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland is one of the cutest, best stocked, most beautifully laid out bookstores I have ever been to, and prior to Covid had a coffee bar at the front of the store so you could ‘browse and sip’!! I am not sure if the coffee is still available but the Maleny Bookshop is always on my itinerary if ever in the Sunnie Coast. Well worth a visit!

  • Suzanne Sherwood says:

    You forgot about the cute bookshop in Cobargo called ‘Well Thumbed Books’. It is run by a few Cobargo residents. Books are donated with a small amount of money credited to the donor who can then use their credit to buy books. The shop is in the main street of Cobargo and miraculously avoided being burned to the ground like so many other shops in the main street in the 2019 Fire. The shop has 4 rooms enfilade, the 3rd one boasts a large wooden table where community groups meet. This room also has a door to the outside garden. The shop is a friendly meeting place for passers by and locals as well.

  • Estia Sales says:

    Thanks for a lovely article. I think the Caryota book exchange in Darwin belongs on your list! An amazing place!

  • Ian Carmichael says:

    Always glad to read reviews like this. As a Tasmanian (now) I fully endorse your choice of the BookCellar, but I have give a hands-down mention of Cracked & Spineless in Hobart. Hill of Content was another classic for me in my Melbourne days – but the others of my fond memory have gone, alas!