Driving the Big Lap of Australia - 12 things to know

21 February 2025

Time 7 mins Read



Comments (14)
  • ian says:

    Great tips, thanks for sharing.

  • Jill says:

    Any tips for solo female travellers doing The Lap?

    • Editor says:

      Hi Jill,
      Lee recommends: “sat phone no.1 thing for safety. Really use commonsense if camping alone in remote places. And know how to change a tyre.
      Best of luck on your Big Lap.
      Let us know how it goes.

  • Penny meyers says:

    Kimberley ! Love it! Best holiday ever!!

  • jaikrishnan says:

    Great write,
    Four of us planning a full lap trip, which in google maps i calculated roughly 20,000 kilometers. Where to hire the camper trailer and 4WD ? any reference will be helpful. and what time of the year is better for the round trip, which we plan to start at melbourne, canberra, sydney, brisbane, Seisa QLD, Darwin NT, perth, adelaide and end in melbourne. any suggestions will be great.

  • DI Traveler says:

    Big lapping it as we speak… 6 weeks into our 12 months. I totally agree that its common to make the mistake of picking a van for the inside rather than where you can go. Next time I’d love to have a off road option as we’ve already had to miss out on some amazing spots (but with a 7 month old baby size and comfort won this time around so we opted for a big family caravan).

    To anyone thinking about it, just make it happen.

    • https://www.notmyfault.com.au/ says:

      You definitely rock the road Lee. You are certified traveller touring around Australia for 10-months. For sure your books defintely has lots of amazing stories with your travel. Need to have one, I been planning for a road trip for a week self-driving. Never done that before and your blog post helps me a lots how to prepare for a long drive.

  • Phil Andrews says:

    I’m 63 and have always been interested in walking around Australia’s perimeter for charity, I’m fairly fit and just trekked Everest Base Camp. How long approximately do you think it would take if I don’t have to stop to long because of possible blisters, then maybe u might say how long is a piece of string

  • Charles says:

    Good advice. I am planning a 100-day big lap trip August-November, counter-clockwise from Sydney. I live in the US, so I won’t be able to bring too many things on the plane. Things like ramps to get my car unstuck will have to buy in Sydney before I head out. But I will be bringing my tent. What kind of car should I get for good clearance? I DO want a 4Wd because I plan to do off-the-track places like Cape York and Gibb River Road.

  • Tom says:

    Well said and interesting reading

  • Brent Wilson says:

    Enjoyed reading your comments on “The BIG Lap”, have been planning a BIG LAP trip for sometime now and due to the pandemic here in Victoria it’s on hold for now.
    My wife and I are semi retired and looking forward to getting on the road as we are keen Caravanner’s and rough it campers, do you recommend storing a caravan at a caravan park to venture off the track?
    A good example might be leaving the caravan in Alice Springs and go camping at one of the gorges.

  • Dawnis69 Simpson says:

    Thank you !for inspiring me to’Just do it!

  • Lexa Cooper says:

    Thanks for sharing such an incredible post. Very well written and contain important information on driving big lap.