01 October 2019
1 min Read
Angsty teens can be hard to please at the best of times, so a hotel group has devised an idea that aims to take some of the strain from parents while also attempting to be ‘down with the kids’.
Marriott Hotels is now recruiting for a scheme where teen guests will have access to a concierge of roughly their own age and tastes.
‘This City My Way’, tabled to start in September, claims to be the first peer-to-peer young concierge scheme in Australia.
Marriott hotels in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast are looking for four teens to fill the new roles.
The teen concierges will devise travel ideas, curate a range of social media, which will be all available on a new website (still under construction).
They will be on hand during school holidays to answer queries and recommend activities that parents would probably not have a clue about.
Check out the #ThisCityMyWay across social media platforms. Come on, Mum and Dad, you know what a hash tag is, don’t you?