qualia reviewed: still the world's best luxury resort?



Comments (6)
  • Joanna Shephard says:

    So serene, peaceful, well equipped, great rooms, this is a total experience not just a getaway.
    give them the award…

  • Alan Ferris` says:

    Sounds very much like the stuff dreams are made from. I’ll look forward to the day when I can visit.

  • Liz says:

    Wow lost for words. Breathtakingly beautiful. This is where I wish I was wealthy but I can go there in my dreams. Maybe one day my dream will be a reality.

  • Barbara Ford says:

    Sounds so divine, magical, a dream

    Soooo wish it was within my budget xoxo

  • Patrick Wilson says:

    Your article is very reassuring as we’re booked into Windward Pavillion in July for our 30th wedding anniversary. Can’t wait.