A hit-list of best places to eat in Hobart

24 February 2025

Time 8 mins Read

Chloe Cann is a freelance travel and food writer, born in England, based in Melbourne and Roman by adoption. While the strength of a region's food scene tends to dictate the location of her next trip, she can be equally swayed by the promise of interesting landscapes and offbeat experiences. And with a small person now in tow, travel looks slightly different for her these days.

Read more by Chloe Cann


Comments (2)
  • Bob Taylor says:

    My favourite part of Australia, unspoilt with a wow factor around each bend,Europe condensed in my opinion,but keep it quite.

  • Maria & David Lewis says:

    From Bundaberg and looking forward to visiting Tasmania and Hobart with all the yummy food and coffee places later this year