10 most memorable things to do at Wilsons Promontory



Comments (11)
  • So excited to get to Wilsons Prom, as I’ve heard its one of the most fabulous national parks in Australia. Fraser Island will be hard to beat, but we’ll see! Just waiting for the weather to warm up down south, before we get there!

  • Chris Klitzing says:

    Love The Prom I was born and breed in Sth Gippsland and I was a regular visitor back then now 40+ and currently living in remote North of WA I could not be further away. However your story fired up some old memories. It sounds like The Prom has changed little, out door movies was around back then and Norman Beach and Sealers Cove sound just the same. The hike to the lighthouse is sensational as is Roaring Meg Creek. The Prom is a genuine jewel in Australia’s tourist crown

  • Angela says:

    If you want to stay close to Wilsons Prom but avoid the crowds of Tidal River, stay at Promhills Cabins just near entrance gate. It’s peaceful, great views with comfy cabins.

  • Linda Gibbs says:

    Hello Prom lovers. I have an exhibition of Wilsons Prom paintings at the St Kilda Town Hall , Aug 19 – Sept 16 2015 , Monday – Friday 8.30 – 5pm. I have been painting amongst the wild winds down there for some years and the work captures the spirit of this majestic landscape. I hope you can make it to the show.

  • Susan Latremoille says:

    Thanks for helping us plan our trip to Wilsons Prom.

  • Africa safari tours says:

    thanks for sharing with us this perfect article like this on

  • Ssemambo Alex says:

    So fantastic think i should take a visit.

  • Lwanga Shamurah says:

    Wonderful thanks for the information its too helpful.

  • true uganda safaris says:

    very perfect article thanks

  • Peter Heaney says:

    A lovely overview as I am heading that way tomorrow be there in a few weeks got my caravan in tow.